Quality Control

Here at RnA ReSet, our spokespeople and customer service staff all speak confidently and appropriately about the unique qualities of our proprietary formulas. It is not widely recognized that with dietary supplements absorption is key and our formulas take the lead in that category. You’ll also hear us talk about picometer-sized minerals, stabilized ions, methylation, sulfation, vitamins that are sourced from whole foods, and the principals of tried and true systems of natural medicine like homeopathy.

Behind the scenes of the construction of our formulas is the diligent, precise work of our Quality Control and Quality Assurance teams. Our cGMP manufacturers have professional staff dedicated to the adherence of all quality standards of the FDA’s Good Manufacturing Practices which stipulate that manufacturers must evaluate the identity, purity, quality, strength, and composition of their dietary ingredients and dietary supplements to help guarantee that our products are safe and accurately labeled.

While the formulations behind the Completement Formulas of RnA ReSet are proprietary and held in strict confidence, the quantitative ingredients, Quality Control, and Quality Assurance process of each formula are completely transparent and subject to routine inspection by authorized, qualified examiners.

To give you a peek into what we do, we’ll take you on a tour of what goes on in our process.

In order to end up with the highest quality formulations, we begin with sourcing the highest quality raw ingredients. We use the same exacting specifications and standards of evaluation to monitor those ingredients and the resultant product through to the process of completion. Once the formula has been manufactured, each lot is inspected, laboratory tested, and approved by quality control professionals before it is shipped to our fulfillment center.

Even though we obtain a Certificate of Analysis for our raw ingredients from our suppliers and manufacturers, when the product reaches the fulfillment center, a different level of quality control measure is applied to each finished product to ensure the lot is safe and ready to consume, so more inspection, third-party testing, and verification takes place. 

Each Batch Of Our Products Is Accompanied By A Certificate of Analysis (COA)

NOTE: The current COAs for each of our products are displayed on RnA ReSet on each of our individual formula pages.

A COA indicates the following outcomes of our efforts:

* Identity and Potency – Does this batch actually contain the ingredients and dosage strength listed on the label?

* Purity – Is the product free of specific contaminants? Are heavy metals within their appropriate and acceptable ranges?

* Bioavailability – Does the product meet standards for adequate use in the body?

* Consistency – Are the contents, packaging and labels consistent throughout the batch and meet FDA requirements?

Dr. Carolyn Dean is a doctor, naturopath, and internationally recognized expert in natural health. Dr. Dean’s advocacy for a well-informed public and empowered individuals began when she entered medical school in 1974 and remains true to this day.

We are proud to partner with our manufacturers to create highly absorbed, highly effective dietary supplements that meet the rigorous requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), recognized around the world as the gold standard for consumer safety.

Toll-free 888-577-3703