The Benefit of Soil-Based Probiotics

The Benefit of Soil-Based Probiotics

The gut is the foundation of everything else. Besides digesting the foods we eat, it has the large workload of absorbing nutrients and using them to fuel the rest of the body. If the gut isn’t healthy, it can affect every part of health, including your work life, level of productivity, and overall happiness. Listen as Dr. Carolyn Dean discusses the origins of probiotics, the value of fermented foods, and why soil-based probiotics are superior when considering our body's natural processes.

Do I Need A Probiotic?

There’s an estimated 500+ species of bacteria found within our large intestines, and we have to continuously replenish and feed the good bacteria to keep our gut balanced and happy. But due to the impact of high-stress lifestyles, reduced soil quality, and exposure to environmental toxins, most people are in need of extra support, and that’s where probiotics come in.

Probiotics are cultures of live microorganisms that work at the gut level to balance the microbiome and colonize healthy bacteria. While probiotics of all kinds have grown in popularity, one type stands far apart from the rest.

Keep reading to learn about the difference of soil-based probiotics.

What Is A Soil-Based Probiotic?

As the name implies, soil-based probiotics are created from bacterial strains that occur naturally in the soil. These are similar strains to those you might find in your own garden, contributing immense benefits to the digestive tract and beyond. When you choose a probiotic formula, you want to be confident you are actually getting digestive support.

When your ancestors ate vegetables, they were probably packed full of soil-based probiotics. However, within the last 100 years, many naturally occurring substances living in soil may be missing because we’ve depleted them through modern farming practices.

What Depletes Our Food's Nutrients:

  • Pesticides - kills off soil organisms
  • Herbicides - kills off nutritious weeds
  • Over-farming - depletes the minerals in the soil

Traditional probiotics are not very durable because the beneficial nutrients “die off” when exposed to stomach acid instead of making it to the right parts of the digestive tract. On the other hand, soil based probiotics are more stable and highly resistant to extreme conditions. This means they can withstand the harsh environment of the stomach to deliver beneficial nutrients directly to the intestines.

Fulvic Humic Acids

A key difference of soil-based probiotics lies in the added benefit of fulvic-humic acids derived from organic plant materials. They contain a natural blend of probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes, and trace minerals. Think of them as a “natural fertilizer”. Fulvic acids are by-products of beneficial microbes in soil and water, helping gut bacteria to thrive by promoting a balanced environment and binding to beneficial nutrients.


Most probiotics currently available only include bifidobacteria and lactobacillus strains, the dominant forms of bacteria found in the large intestine. But the gut needs more to function at its best. Soil based probiotics not only eliminate and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, they also populate the gut with additional strains of beneficial bacteria to enhance overall digestive health.

Prepare for Better Health

Soil-based probiotics are a great option if:

  • You want to experience more regular digestion, less bloating, abdominal pain, and gas
  • You’ve tried traditional probiotics but still haven’t seen results
  • You prefer a formula that is shelf-stable without refrigeration
  • You often feel sluggish and would love to have more sustained energy during the day
  • You struggle with yeast overgrowth & associated symptoms

Optimizing gut health may be one of the most important things you can do. Soil based formulas use the power of nature to restore harmony in the digestive system, making them a valuable tool to implement on the journey to your best health and wellbeing.